Friday, April 4, 2008

Ornish Health

Hi All

I recently received this e-mail from Lisa, I thought I would post it here. I have no personal connection with Dr. Ornish but I do believe he talks a lot of good sense

The ornish program is mostly excellent and it makes a great deal of sense ... a drastic diet/lifestyle change is the only thing that can actually reverse a disease process like atherosclerosis ... few people have the confidence in their own bodies to actually make those lifestyle changes (it's often blamed on a lack of willpower, but i think it's usually more of a lack of confidence) ... the only thing ornish promotes that i feel may be questionable is fish oil (flax oil ... or even better, ground flax seeds, are equally effective without the toxins and so on) ... it's his vegetarian based diet that reverses heart disease ... i'm also an ethical vegan and really do believe that we humans, who are naturally frugivorous herbivores, will never be truly healthy and happy when we commodify and use and cause suffering to other sentient beings ... but that's just my personal philosophy ... (a great, free book on the philosophy of veganism can be downloaded in pdf format at www. worldpeacediet. org )the main reason i wrote is to say congrats and wish you the best in your journey to wellness ... there are a LOT of unproven ideas out there, and many seem contrary to common sense ... but there are things like the ornish program, joel furhman's eat to live program, the raw vegan lifestyle, etc ... that seem to address health in a way that makes sense from a physiological standpoint ... good luck ... i look forward to your updates ... you can "double blog" by posting your blogs here at myspace, too ... blessings


Monday, March 24, 2008

Fish Oil and LDLx-s,

Hi Everyone

Apologies for taking so long to get this Blog going, hopefully now we can now start helping others with your own personal stories and advice. I wouldlike to sincerely thank the people who have already left comments. As I get more advice from people I will update the links on the left so we can all benefit from them. Most of the time I wil not be earning anything personally if you purchase from these links, some of them there may be a small commission which will hopefully help pay for improvements in this Blog or create a website if you feel that would be more helpful to us all. I am not particularly IT competent so any advice on that would be welcomed.

I would like to copy Verbatim from a message sent by Tom Faulkner to my MySpace page. The products mentioned will probably be more useful for those of you in USA due to overseas shipping charges. Neither Tom nor myslef make any commission from these products but I will gladly post anyone's details who is a distributor for them.


I would encourage you to call the folks at Res-Q. It is an all natural pharmaceutical grade fish oil plus another item LDLx-s, that has shown absolutely dramatic results in removing plaque. No, I don't work for them and, no, I don't make a profit from this. I have been on it for 5 years now. My dad and my father-in-law have been on it for 4 and 3 respectively. They have had the same results I have. Recently a friend of mine went on it when his MD said his cholesterol was 450. It is now 180 and he is a new man, just a couple of months into it. His doctor simply did not believe the results and asked him what the heck he was doing. I know there is a lot of hype and trash out there. This is not.

Their link is http://www. n3inc. com/

I buy it from this link because it is cheaper and it is eaxctly the same products, bottles and all.

http://www. omegaforlife. com/

You will want the 1250 capsules and the LDLx-2. Call and get them to tell you exactly what to take and when. Then just do it for 90 to 180 days and go get a body scan (they're $50-100 now) and see iif it's not actually removing the plaque.

God bless you in your quest,


Please post any useful comments

Thank you


Wednesday, March 12, 2008



Thank you for coming to my Blog, my wish is that we can all benefit from our personal experiences and I really value your input.

About a year ago, during a routine medical examination, I discovered one of the coronary arteries was totally blocked. Although I had experienced some symptoms I had put these down to other factors so it was a shock to learn of my condition. The cardiologist carried out an angiogram and verified the blockage and soon afterwards I underwent an Angioplasty procedure and had two stents fitted into the problematic artery. As surgical procedures go, this was fairly mild although it didn’t feel like that at the time. I was given various medications to take including Plavix, Cardiprin, Lipitor and Herbesser, the latter two to treat slightly elevated cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

The first side effect was a loss of taste, particularly for anything sweet. I do not even like sweet foods and drinks and considering the elevated cholesterol level, the last thing I needed was to be taking high amounts of sugar and not even knowing it. So the Herbesser was changed to Coaprovel and the taste gradually returned. The other noticeable side effect was the loss of sex drive.

Soon after this I read a book by Dr Dean Ornish advocating a diet and exercise system proven to reverse heart disease without drugs or surgery. At my next check-up I took the book along with me with a list of recommendations I had copied and discussed with the cardiologist these possible alternatives. Although he agreed that “all medicines are poisons”, he was adamant that I should continue with the prescribed medications as they were far more beneficial than the ‘alternatives’ advocated in the book. I decided to continue with the medication and the known side effects plus others that may just afflict me after long periods of continuous use. Lipitor, for example, can cause liver complications.

I would like to hear of your own experiences, particularly from those of you who have decided to take the alternative medicine route for treating any illnesses, mild or chronic. It is not intended that the Blog be an advertising forum for people to sell their products but a genuine platform to share our experiences, good or bad.

Look forward to your posts
